Artist and Writer

Jaime Townzen

Jaime’s love for watercolor and music meets her passion for writing in her debut women’s fiction novel, Absorbed, coming in early 2025. Scroll down to learn more about her writing journey, check out a few of Jaime’s watercolor paintings, and read her tips for well-being. You can also contact Jaime about speaking opportunities and personal retreats.


Jaime Townzen is a Southern California-based writer and professional artist whose watercolor paintings have earned international recognition. Her essays and microfiction have been published in Light magazine and Fairfield Scribes. Jaime’s debut novel, Absorbed will be released in early 2025. When Jaime’s not in her studio, she can be found at the beach with her family and their dogs or listening to live music.

Healthy Habits


Taking a short break from tedious work to create something is a positive stress reliever with mental, emotional, and physical health benefits. Here are examples of simple, meditative art projects anyone can benefit from.


Our bodies and minds function in rhythms, and what we listen to directly affects our mood, energy levels, even our blood pressure. Feeling overwhelmed? Turn on something calm and soothing. Need motivation? Turn on music that is energetic and encourages you to move. Here are some of my favorite playlists.


Having routines helps maintain calm, beginning and ending each day in positive, dependable ways that minimize stress and set us up for success. My routine includes art journaling, a consistent sleep schedule, and walking my dogs every day. For some people, making the bed, meal prep, or updating calendars are essential routines. Whatever daily activities help you feel calm and more capable of achieving your goals, make them part of your daily routine. Here are some tools that might help.


We all can get in a rut of consuming the same mindless information. Reading and listening to fictional stories, non-fiction and journalism, even podcasts, can open our minds to new perspectives and understanding. Here are some of my favorite uplifting and enlightening reading resources.


You don’t need a membership or equipment. Research shows even short walks dramatically benefit physical and mental health. Stretching with deep breathing, like yoga, is another fantastic way we all can take better care of our bodies and minds. A quick dance break to a single song can boost your energy and your mood for more than an hour. Here are links that explain more about the science behind movement and mental health.


Using our five senses to reconnect our mind and body to the natural world helps us to recognize and appreciate all the beauty outside of our control. Smell a flower, watch a sunrise, listen to the tide, feel the sand between your toes, or taste a piece of fresh, ripe fruit. Even playing with our pets is a way we can better connect with the natural world. Click here to find a free trail or park near you to visit today.

Releasing Early 2025

Currently in production,


Jaime Townzen’s  debut novel, Absorbed, is currently in production for all formats, and will be available for purchase in early 2025! 

A transformative coming-of-age story confronting issues of teenage sexual consent and women’s reproductive rights, Absorbed traces alt-rock-loving lifeguard Stacey Chapman’s unraveling over the summer of 1996.  After she is pressured into sex and experiments with drugs and alcohol, Stacey begins redefining herself through her love of music and art. But with her future in limbo while awaiting results from Planned Parenthood, Stacey’s resilience is put to the test as a pool rescue turns tragic. 

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